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expanding knowledge

Expanding knowledge about women in the church historically and presently. Working to enlighten, and educate the church about the roles women have played in creating the church we live in.

connecting resources

Connecting Resources. Working to create a hub of equality. Linking to, highlighting, reviewing, and working with other sources of knowledge about women and their interaction with the church.

creating community

Creating Community through blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels, we will continue to build a community of people that believe women and their lives in the church matter.


doing theology

Doing Theology. Engaging and creating theology is a critical part of the discussion of women and church. As theology progresses, women need to be an integrated part of the discussion.

Highlighting Voices

Highlighting Voices of women and men that believe equality matters as a matter of Christian wholeness. Connecting voices and letting their unique contributions be heard.

Encouraging Women

Encouraging Women by telling the stories of women in ministry while also being honest about the struggle, discrimination, and difficulty. Knowledge is a great ally to equality.


Practicing Equality

Practicing Equality Highlighting stories where equality is happening. Using inclusive language, inclusive translations, and highlighting
egalitarian voices.

Engaging in Dialog

Engaging in Dialog by making connections between people. To encourage dialog and to think collectively. Collaboration breeds strength, vitality, and clarity.

Clarifying Thought

Clarifying Thought by dealing with Biblical, theological and hermeneutical misinformation that is spread in relation to women in the church. 

Engage. Discover. Live.

Welcome to Women and Church!

My name is Janel, and I'm the curator of this website. I care deeply about women's equality in the church and in the world. We are created equal by God, and can serve God equally. In fact, I even compiled Women Experiencing Faith to help tell some of those stories.

I believe the best church is one in which we all live full and authentic lives before God and with each other; bringing God's recreation into the world around us.