Skin Magnets ????

Dear John Piper,

We have all the skin we need. Not sure what you’re going for in your last post but it’s confusing AF.

Unless it’s just more of your patriarchal, misogynistic BS and for that you don’t need to get creative with your metaphors. We know what you think. Pretending to actually care about women isn’t really on-brand, so feel free to stop trying.

Trust me, we’d all appreciate it.


Mary the Tower

Recently, Diana Butler Bass, shared ground breaking research about the Gospel of John. Such important research that it is being reviewed by the group the holds the Greek translation of the New Testament.

Take a few minutes to read this amazing discovery and the impacts it could have on how we view the New Testament.

The other Christological confession is in the Gospel of John. And until this point, it has belonged to a minor character named Martha and we didn't even know who she was. Jesus raises her brother from the dead and they have this conversation. And then finally this woman says, "Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Messiah, the son of God, the one who is coming into the world." Pretty much exactly the same words that Peter has uttered in the synoptic Gospels. And then Martha disappears from history. Unimportant, unremembered, who is this?

But if it is Mary, the Mary who shows up in John 11 is not an unremembered Mary. Not just one of a plethora of Marys in the third-grade class. This Mary has long been suspected of being the other Mary, Mary Magdalene. Is it really true that the other Christological confession of the New Testament comes from of the voice of Mary Magdalene? That the Gospel of John gives the most important statement in the entirety of the New Testament, not to a man, but to a woman, and to a really important woman who will show up later as the first witness to the resurrection.


A Discussion with Kristin Du Mez, Beth Allison Barr, and Scot McKnight

I want to encourage you to take some time to listen to the lovely discussion between two highly educated women who are tackling the issues around Biblical Womanhood and the rise of Complementarianism. You can find the discussion here:

To read the larger works talked about here you can find:

The message of complementarianism is dominating some evangelical circles. Where does it come from and how does it influence the church? These two perspectives help us understand how this has developed in the 20th Century. I hope you enjoy this conversation.