Finding people with a like mind can be a challenge sometimes. This page will provide you with links to groups where you can learn more about women's issues in the church and share joys, tears, success, and struggle.
If you know of other groups that meet around these issues, please feel free to submit them on the contact page.
online groups
Biblical Christian Egalitarians - This is an online offshoot of Christians for Biblical Equality. This is a great community of people and a great place to meet people that share concerns about women's equality in the church. I highly recommend connecting here if you are looking for community.
There is also an online Facebook group for Women and Church. Please feel free to join in. We're just getting started, so if you are looking for immediate community, please check out Biblical Christian Egalitarians.
local groups
Denver, CO - If you are ever in Denver on a Thursday night we have a great group of people that meet for Brew Theology. While not everyone is egalitarian, many of people are. We pulled in the largest group we had ever had for our discussion of women's equality. You can follow everything we do at MeetUp.
“Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.”